As April moves into May I wanted to leave this month hopping around with stitching details of the EASTER BUNNY.
This pattern is from Leisure Arts Book, Holiday Reverie. Copyright 1997, can you believe that? I must say, these books are just the best! There are several in a series and can be found on Ebay for a good price. They include many patterns and beautiful color pictures. I own several of these books and the patterns offer such beautiful colors and are well thought out.
I call this pattern EASTER BUNNY. However, in the Holiday Reverie book it is titled EASTER. I stitched this EASTER BUNNY on 18ct. Aida Antique White with all DMC Floss.
My biggest challenge came finishing as a Flat-fold. Never have I done any finishing other than framing and a few ornaments. I chose a royal blue cloth for the back side and inside fold. I used acid-free mat board purchased from Michael's and warm color batting. The batting I used on all four boards as it made for a softer appearance.
The Tassel!!
My first tassel and yes I did learn what to do the next time I make a tassel. I must explain the hurry of making this tassel. A storm was brewing with tornado warnings the night I was making this tassel. I was in a big hurry!
I will put it this way...I know what to do next time making a tassel. I feel my first tassel turned out okay but the colors of floss/threads should have been more blended. Not bad for a first time! I feel the tassel added more color to the finished look.
The cord around the Flat-fold easel was purchased pre-made from Hobby Lobby. I glued the cord and added sewing pins to make it more secure.
I recommend anyone wanting to make a Flat-fold easel to check out to see the tutorial. Very helpful!! Vonna Pfeiffer is the owner of this site and gives great instructions. Vonna recommends storing Flat-folds in tissue paper and boxed away until next year. To dust off, just use a make-up brush and lightly brush your stitched project.
All in all...
I enjoyed stitching the EASTER BUNNY and loved how my finished project turned out. My family said ... job well done!! They loved it too!
Moving on...
I now am stitching BLACKBIRD DESIGNS SUMMER OFFERING. So until we meet again, happy stitching!
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