Friday, April 1, 2011


As the month of March ends and April begins I have become a "SEXAGENARIAN".
Sounds like a dirty word!

On March 20th I celebrated my birthday with my family. My husband informed me that I just became a "Sexagenarian". My reply to him was...what?
The word itself seems like such a big mouthful when speaking it. But knowing the definition is just as big too. Sexagenarian just means anyone between the age of
60-69 years old. Oh yes...that is me!!

Moving on to March 29th we celebrated my oldest son's birthday. He is a "Tricenarian". To me that word doesn't sound as bad as "Sexagenarian". It only means the age of 30-39 years of age.

On my birthday I was ask...feel any older?
My answer, not really.
However, turning 60 years old makes me stop to think about life. First thing going thorough my mind did I get here? Sixty years, where have the years gone?
Then I think to myself...where do I want my life to go from here?
I have told myself turning 60 years of age is a "new chapter" in my life and looking forward to the years ahead of me.
Afterall, I am now living my 7th decade!
Now that is a thought!

Of all the wonderful Birthday wishes and gifts I received the best was spending the day with my family. My youngest son said to me...Mom, you look much younger than 60
years old.

Just a note to all my blogging friends...if you haven't turned 60 years old yet, don't worry as it isn't all bad!

Until We Meet Again..
Happy Stitching!


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